Pectus Excavatum Vacuum Bell Treatment
Vacuum bell treatment, which is a non-surgical treatment method of pectus excavatum (Funnel Chest), achieves successful results especially in patients under the age of 15. Hundreds of patients have been successfully treated with this treatment method by Prof. Dr. Mustafa Yüksel. The duration of treatment is usually between 12-18 months.

Our center, which has successfully completed the treatment of more than 1500 patients to date, achieves satisfactory results with vacuum devices adjusted according to the deformity of the patients. In addition, this process is followed up periodically by our clinic, the results are evaluated and the treatment process is directed.

With vacuum therapy, negative pressure is created by an apparatus placed in the chest area and the breastbone is pulled outwards. This process allows the sternum to settle into the correct position over time. The negative pressure increases the pressure on the breastbone and gradually allows the breastbone to return to its normal shape. The duration of treatment can vary depending on the individual patient and the severity of the pectus excavatum. Generally, the vacuum device is used daily for a certain number of hours and the treatment process proceeds with the doctor's assessment and follow-up.