What is Rib Flaring ?
In pectus excavatum and some pectus carinatum cases, the ribs may be protuberant in thoracic cage, both sides of sternum, lower area of thorax, which consists of cartilage, and which we call arcuatum.

This wing shaped protrusion disturbs especially women visually. This protrusion has not any damage on viscera. But it may cause acute pain on children when they swim in the sea or pool, lie facedown, when they contact with the ground. They are deeply disturbed in such cases.

Before Orthesis Treatment

After Orthesis Treatment
Until last year, we had been treating such rib dislocations through surgical means. However, last year, we introduced the bandage treatment, which a colleague of ours was performing in his own clinic, to Turkey and had this bandage manufactured by companies in Turkey.
This bandage, just like Orthesis treatment, is wrapped on the dislocated rib, and the patient carries it on his/her body for 24 hours and this displaced rib can be treated with bandage pressure.
We observe that the problem is completely treated within a period of between 6 and 12 months.